Tuesday, December 30, 2008

How Long It Takes For Braces Picutre

synapses murder or what can cause Suez and Cappuccionos

Hello and welcome to Part II of my previous bad reviews: D Part I is not the new citation rules, whoever wants to do to troztdem:
Brave New World & pink Barbie dream

title incredibly exciting well thought history
tears of war or tears of war

phoenix_of_light or thunder-dragon & Haruki_Zorro

The maltreated fandom: One Piece, Yu-Gi-Oh, Inu-Yasha

The hare-brained plot: prevails in a future World 2 *** a gaaaanz wants to conquer evil dictator, because Sue Mayumi using Inu-Yasha from the Middle Ages, Lorenor Zorro from the pirate era and Seto Kaiba from the young modern times. The (nonexistent) story line is just a flimsy excuse to Zorro and Mayumi to marry off.

The anti-quality of the characters: Mayumi embodies the perfect Mary Sue, who can do everything better, continuously herumzickt and adored by all is still, Zorro has lost brain and pride, Seto is non-existent and Inu- Yasha may occur only as a nurse-side kick.

Positives & Negatives: + grammar and spelling predominantly very good +
this time they remain at a single time
form - they can still not able to form some idea
- the characters still have about as much depth as a water glass
- they can stifle any chance of interesting dialogues in a subordinate clause

Excerpt: with a "Ziiiiiiiisch", put on paper with an arrow next to Zorro in the tree (the "Ziiiiiiiisch" was the anguished gasp of a further malträ oriented commas.) . And then someone should say, relaxing morning walk (Na clear, Zorro do in a strange world first a walk. He was also in the Boy Scouts and so on.) .

Chapter 2: The War

(reduced from 1,560 to 686 words) wonder

not, we have decided to write more in the past. (Beautiful intent. While you have already used several times in the last chapter of the past tense, but no matter. Burden us with the * cough * * cough exciting story start *!)

thought what this bastard anyway? Your easy to ram his stupid sword in the arm? (So real man! What does a just such a Sue to violate the no Special! Powers is! Sue? However, I would rather not offend Kitetsu ...) This ... this ... this ... is why was the only such sweet eyes?
Would not distracted me, I would have gained much faster, (and had the sudden italics not distracted me, I would me again about the adjective "sü ;. ß "adversely affected in connection with Zorro) Mayumi thought, when she powered wound in her turquoise blue Canopy bed was.
Good you Ayaka had given a sword fight wounds emergency first aid kit to last birthday (The problem was that the utterance of this word tapeworm in an emergency took too long. Bleeding has quickly). you never thought that they would have used it ever since they (was Sue, who was perfect and everything was so hurt before. The terrible here scratched on her ego and) here but have always been the was only one designed to could handle swords. At least her mysterious appearance worked. She would not walk out of my head ... Zorro or the fact that they knew his name. (muhahahabuhahaw * * Do you hear them on their scary and diabolical cunning evil! Laugh confused plan?)
Unfortunately, she thought sighing the first I'd like better.
They fell asleep exhausted, her last thoughts are with Zorro. The next morning, she slipped into one of their cuddly sweaters and made cappuccino (with the addition of a superfluous comma).
they thought wistfully back to Ayaka, who had known her at all times as Cappuccinotrinkerei synapses murder. (Well, if coffee synapses murder, then This BF is guaranteed synapses mass murder)

Cut: The Sue grabs Opas bow and goes into the forest.

with a "Ziiiiiiiisch" next Zorro put on paper with an arrow in the tree (The "Ziiiiiiiisch" was the anguished gasp of a further maltreated commas.) .
And then someone should say, relaxing morning walk (Yes, yes, Zorro makes an alien world as the first one walk. He was also in the Boy Scouts and so on.) .
No way!
What was the most for a note? .
He read it several times again (and again, repeatedly and on a new one until he understood the text he was already too long in this BF because the presence of a Sue damages the cerebral cortex -> synapse murder. ) , a grin formed on his face.

"Well, you hero, still a bad mood? Or have recovered from your defeat? (The slit abdominal wall is indeed not at all relevant.) You were n 'great opponent. Maybe you want yes times ne Revance! win Well, you would not anyway!

(Always put under the signature. Slip first time an MS course, Sue, before you rumwirfst herewith.) Maybe I'll help you, all depends how I'm on it degree (for as sueige, prepubescent bitch I'll do everything I want anyway!! * yah *) . I am the way, Mayumi!

(This is now out of the PS) Look up! "

He did and saw another arrow on the tree, but who was so swiftly shot been was that he showed a certain direction. He followed him and found a little later another one.
On his way, following the arrows, he thought about the note by:

as it has only meant: Refers to the 'Great' is now on me, or my Kampfsti? (or does it 'great' as antiquated 'crazy'? "For how long after Zorro thinks about the testimony of others?) ... Oh damn, that women must always be so complicated. As this letter was only meant? She likes me or she does not like me now? (Daisy! Zorro! A truly existential issue, after all, issues like "How do I get out of this dimension back to my friends? "completely irrelevant ...) Grrrr ... (Welch highly philosophical thought ...)

Suddenly, he reached back to its starting point, the redhead has fooled him but actually he was running in circles! (This requires, however, no Sue, he would also attempt it alone.) But another piece of paper hung on the tree.


"You did that on purpose, you stupid cow! (See Och ever. Zorro stomp her like a toddler offended with his foot and cry?) , "he shouted angrily into the forest (and how to call to go in, comes around:)

" What else? But you had the fifth arrow looked exactly once in the trees, at least would be one of your problems have been solved. Oh, and myself stupid! , P ("! Yourself, himself, all say stupid calves" No, seriously, it's even kind of kindergarten moderate?)

shit, now I have the others for better or worse tell all
(er - no, you could simply tell them that you happen during your walk what you discovered and conceal the sueige and degrading scavenger hunt ...) , he thought säuerlic and called for the two.

Cut: There are a not visible from ground level tree house, that, however, two beds, a sofa, a refrigerator, a stereo, a kitchenette, a spa etc. contains. Inu-Yasha gets the dog place on the black sofa assigned that bites with his white hair (Nice, that black and white bite, but not the red hair of her turquoise Sue Sue! Poster bed). Furthermore, he finds a note on the Mayumi forbids them virtually in the city to go, Zorro and Inu-Yasha recommends a battle training area, bequeathed Kaiba a "brand-new" notebook and we can all be more sympathetic with this statement: I know that it will be hard for you not to look for me, but if you really need me, I am there.
do not have to snatch her female intuition!

on the battlefield enjoyed themselves while the two swordsmen (rrraw * * So if that was not ambiguous times ...) . In a respite, the two used to the soft forest floor to "test" (Take care Sue! SlyDog! Inu-Yasha you grade spans from Zorro!) , of course, would admit none of the young men, KO as he really was, (this endless hypotaxes, from which this sentence was constructed, which should probably staring demo intellectuality, they made serious finished) they came a little talk.
long time they talked about different worlds with all their quirks and weird Kreaturten, even while they discovered unexpected common ground (This discussion, however, drives the narrative forward dome not, so let's just out.) .
But suddenly clear in a moment, it just slipped out Zorro (Ah, I sincerely believe it holds for an absolute morons Zorro - he has a lucid moment and can not find the way back around ( btw could Inu-Yasha Just open a portal), no, he says this:) :

"Hey dog, you believe in love at first View? " (* headdesk * As if he would ask such a thing ... He is not the type to something" slips out "...)

he regretted his words already a second later ("I've never done anything that I regret later." Adieu, character. It was nice to you. TT ) , the more surprised him Inu Yasha-response.
"Yes ..."
Zorro started.
"... but if you want me now to confess your deep love, I must disappoint you!" (Schenkelklopfer! -.-)
Buy Both were on their feet and beat him with their swords at each other again.

Cut: The next morning wakes up the Sue inflamed arm, as they in their infinite stupidity simply has anything on it lubricated from the sword fight wounds, emergency first aid kit TM without first leaflet to or see doctor or pharmacist to ask what. Lack of alternatives, she pulls herself up at the boys to ask for help. Zorro goes Uri Geller, as he wakes up with headache and an "uneasy feeling" on and decides that something must have happened. Well, it would not Zorro I would say he 's got a hangover ...

found on his night reconnaissance mission Inu-Yasha a red-haired girl who was unconscious on the floor. Could this be the girl had told of the Zorro? Externally, they took care of his description, but it was she really? (why he / she is rhetorical questions, why he was suddenly able to speak French? Cold Mirror ftw! ^. ^)
Whether she is or not, she definitely needs help, dachte er, ich glaube kaum, dass ein Mädchen uns gefährlich werden könnte. (Und das denkt ausgerechnet Inu-Yasha... <.<)
Mit diesen Gedanken hob er sie auf (denn sie war zu schwer als dass er sie allein tragen könnte) und trug sie behutsam in Richtung Baumhaus.

Cut: Krankenschwester!Zorro macht der Sue kalte Umschläge, Desinteresse!Seto kocht Kaffee und Sidekick!Inu-Yasha geht mal wieder Wundkräuter sammeln...

Meet you again at Chapter 3: Ayaka, which serves the same Geek welcome Sue!.

Wednesday, September 24, 2008

Plaquemine Carnival 2010

Brave New World and pink Barbie dream

Actually, I was still trying to blast the SN-FF, when I click This concoction came. Screamed the land here then!

Title: tears of war or tears the war

Authors: phoenix_of_light dragon or thunder- & Haruki_Zorro

The maltreated fandom: One Piece, Yu-Gi-Oh, Inu-Yasha

The hare-brained plot: In a previously there unerläuterten future world a very evil dictator, the Mary
; Sue Mayumi using a time machine and Lorenor Zorro, Inu-Yasha and Seto
Kaiba wants to defeat. This is only a flimsy excuse to Zorro
; Sue to the matchmaker.

The anti-quality of the characters: Mayumi is a perfect Mary Sue: bitchy, beautiful and a
gifted fighter, brain-zorro-softener and washed
Inu-Yasha Seto simply unnecessary and bitchy.

spelling, grammar and style: good spelling, but idiosyncratic use of commas.
; ; Time change en masse. //...// Thought form.

excerpt from the story:
were abruptly interrupted his thoughts, for out of Rosa
Blue suddenly (and suddenly Päteritum present) , to be exact:
Sky blue. The next moment he found himself in a bramble
(And imperfect) again (lucky for him that he was not in the mud puddle
Busch had fallen alongside those (because he would have a few
; ; had mud stains on his jacket, he was only on the spines
scratched and pricked her almost an eye from. As I said, lucky for him.)
; few seconds but later he was already on solid weider
; background (brambles are therefore not fixed) saw and quietly to himself
; ; muttering his skeptical new environment. His gaze wandered over
, a small clearing in the middle by tall pines, between which a lot of
; brambles stood. "Where the hell am I here? " (Na, in
; ; a Badfic! Congratulations!

Ah yes, reading from health problems at your own risk:)

Prologue: The greatest heroes of the past

An inconspicuous house in the middle of a series of settlement . Even after opening the door fell to a maximum (the unusual shape and time) the accumulation of technical devices in the eye, very unusual for an average family (Aha. The possession of kitchen appliances, TVs, CD players, hair dryers, etc., so very atypical.). The rooms were more or less chaotic, and you could still see some order (Long live the paradox of chaos theory!) . The only two beds were made and the large kitchen was meticulously cleaned, although it certainly looked at the frequent cooking. But we turn our gaze into the cellar again (and on the perspectives and time change) ...
unintelligible murmur was heard (for the buzz saw the abrupt, arbitrary time change any more than I do) And again it was interrupted by loud curses. It came from a young woman; (Doppelpunkt!) slim, tall, with short red hair (TADAAAA! appearance Mary Sue!) . Their everlasting militant expression was from the high cheekbones and an almost cat-like green eyes underlined (Ta-dah! appearance cliche!) . In her hand she held a remnant of her best friend, a small slip of paper with only 5 words (The best friend of the good would thus Mary was made of paper (no wonder, what man of flesh and blood has her friend be do)) ?!
"The greatest heroes of the past!"
The murmuring grew louder.
"The greatest heroes of the past, the greatest heroes of the past" Now she almost cried
. (But only almost, because it was the exclamation point, unfortunately, is assumed.)
"Fuck! What does she mean? Who the hell are the greatest heroes of the past? "
Suddenly she heard a low hum. Stood but actually her best friend Ayaka standing there before her. In flesh and blood? No, it was just a hologram (and I thought she was out of paper?) , which had been by their words (fuck?) Enabled.
Now it began to speak.
"Hey Mayumi! (Na-old house, how are you?)
I hope that you will never get to see this hologram, because it also means that I'm gone'm here to tell you the following (dead or missing. But my good mood, I have not lost!) . It's about the last resort. The machine that you see behind me "

The hologram turned slightly and pointed to the machine meant.

"serves to to get help from the three main heroes periods. If this resolves the same hologram, opens the lid of the Holo-Disk, and find a note with detailed instructions.
pass up on. I love you and I know you pack it anyway? (Oh yes, could you still watering the flowers? Thank you!) "

Now she could no longer hold back the tears. Instead of taking the notes from the now open Holo-Disk, she ran upstairs and threw herself on her turquoise-blue-poster bed. (Why, after all Badfics poster beds! The way, for the drama and urgency of the mission, the positive Mayumi can indeed be quite nice ...)
"Why? Why had this happen? (What really possible?) Is not fair! "
Again and again she struck on her pillow. Soon she fell asleep exhausted one. (For a fighter! Sue keeps them out of nothing. If they have the pincushion beating out here, I see black in saving the world.) When she woke up later, it was already dark . She thought fleetingly of her alarm clock, which you immediately announces the time (an invention of her best friend, of course) (Whether the alarm reacts to nightmares? Great invention.) . At the thought of her she was howling again to mute. But the anger of the people that Ayaka had done this, prevailed. So she got up, showered, and then did what they did best:
She pulled one to her favorite turtleneck sweaters and went down to the kitchen to cook in Cappuccino. Of course, with a mind-controlled coffee (to press a button because, after all, would waste valuable time.) . Then she ran at last back to the basement, to devote himself fully to the notes her friend (your friend is indeed very likely to cause death or already dead, but for Beauty and coffee is always time!) .
The note read as follows:

Please bring with:
1 package egg (free range)
2 packages butter
60g salami
3 liters of milk
1 package plain yogurt (far left in the refrigerated section)
(Ah yes, us is the cologne assumed, could you please bring a bottle?)

Mayumi started. Did her friend she kidding? That was one of their Shopping list, which it has always given Ayaka (The other half forgot Good (such as a bag of seasonal changes for advanced users.) ). Angry
the redhead threw the note on the floor and was about to trudge back to her room when she saw what was written on the back.

Cut: The letter says Mayumi Ayaka that she needs to save the world the help of the three greatest heroes of the past: Seto Kaiba from the young modern (* dunk *), Lorenor Zorro from the pirate era and Inu-Yasha from the Middle Ages.

This was followed by a long construction description, Mayumi executed step by step carefully. Now you also noticed the PS, the scrawled in Ayaka's (Deppengenitiv!) meticulous handwriting on the bottom edge of the note was (I scribble in meticulous writing. "Dark it was, the moon was shining bright ..." ) :

"Hurry up, because the two former are in their, in our parallel die time soon. (I hope you sleep with you not too long to shower, drink coffee and Decoration stopped. Otherwise, stop the world comes under. Half so wild!)
Good luck! "

/ / No problem / /, Mayumi thought ironically and finally turned on the machine. Immediately after they had entered the names of the men (and incorrectly had a comma) , the screens lit up and she could see the three.

Cut: Seto is about to crash his plane, instead, he sinks into a pink-colored swirls. Believe me, Seto, option one would 'have liked you!

Now she turned to the second monitor. Also, there raged a violent storm, except that this time had to fight a ship against wind and weather. Right away she recognized the man who called her friend as Zorro had. She almost forgot everything around him at the sight of his dark eyes (* dunk * Poor Zorro. ... Large screen btw) . Only when he was pulled from a meter-high waves over the side, grabbed the reality of it again. Just in time she was able once again to press the red button. He, too, was swallowed by a pink swirl. Inevitably they had to grin, for his friends, it must have looked like, as it had pulled down a giant whirlpool (Sadisten! Sue! But Luffy Zorro would have known better versuet at the bottom of the sea as ...) .

Cut: Even the unsuspecting Inu-Yasha falls victim to Sue.

Chapter 1: A hard landing

What do you do when you are dragged from one moment to the next in a colorful swirl?
You start panicking and crying hysterically at around? (Yohoho! And a Bottle of Rum!)
It literally screams his throat from the neck? (throat = neck -> Huh)
Man waving around like a loony with all available to limbs?
(It is pointless paragraphs?
They swapped in a set of questions, strangely, subject and verb?)

Yes, "man" perhaps, but certainly not Seto Kaiba. For this indeed is not exactly what one would call a "man"! (. Why he could never play earlier in the nursery)
No, he did exactly the opposite: he thought. Despite his expressionless face, his eyes were rattled behind the gears (This is often just not gonna be just yet. See people who think of mostly stupid.) . In extreme Geschwingigkeit his thoughts shot back and forth. Starting with "Hääääää?" (high intelligent thought .... and unnecessary comma) it went on about "dream?" To "If I catch that this ugly, colorful, pink Strudel ....... Hello? Rosa! Who is the pink already? I hate pink! (I think this should be a joke. Hm I laugh my head off, you too?) Stop! On the topic of stay-stop! Where was I still go? Oh well, yes. In my plans concerning the murder charge dignity that vile pink Barbie dream. (Seto knows Barbies? That explains a lot ... Probably he himself had some!) . Have I ever mentioned that I hate pink? Rosa has failed ... "Abruptly
were interrupted his thoughts, for out of Rosa suddenly blue (and suddenly past tense present tense) to be exact: Sky blue. The next moment he found himself in a bramble (and imperfect) again (lucky for him that he had not fallen into the mud puddle next to that same bush (This would have He had a few mud stains on his jacket so he was only the thorns scratched and pricked her almost from one eye. As I said, lucky for him.) ). "
" AU ", he exclaims involuntarily (" There does not fit you at once, and even get a new time change ü ! mountains fry ") .
A few seconds later he stood on solid ground even weider (brambles are not so firmly) saw it and was skeptical grumbling quietly to himself, his new environment. His gaze swept over a small clearing in the middle of tall pines, among which were a lot of brambles.
"Where the hell am I here?" (Well, in a Badfic! Thank Eq ückwunsch!)
Then he went further into the forest, but retained all the time its surroundings in mind. He wondered if he would have died if he had stayed on the plane. Suddenly he heard what he himself had been thinking a few minutes.
"I hate pink!"
only slowed down briefly place via a thin branch, landed a very emotional young man acting in the mud puddle next to Kaiba (Well, now he has mud stains on the jacket.) . He quickly was (Kaiba?) back on his feet and before Kaiba knew it, he was already three swords to his throat kept (he has not before the screaming from the neck? Oh no, forgot, I, Seto is indeed not "man".) . This looked at the young swordsman only disinterested, as he even exaggerated the repartee of a response to the three blades on his neck.
"Let me guess Schopf Green: You've swallowed your tongue and are communicating now with these three cheese daggers? (Extremely clever. And, by the way just stolen. I also wonder what in the devil's name a cheese knife is ...) "
The sarcasm in his voice was of course not to be missed.
between Zorros teeth was itself a "wait!" Hear (Coaxing the Wado-Ichi-Monji can?) than a third fell into the mud puddle next to the blackberry bush is (because not already Zorro?) . Is a flash turned the heads of the two in the direction of the newcomer. Also, this young man was not exactly what one described as normal (Do not worry, your use of commas, it is not because he is in good company.) .
The reaction of the others was unexpectedly equal.
"Since falling from the sky when mutt?" It sounded Inu-Yasha against two voices. Before they knew what hit them found the young men in a fight again, as they rarely saw (feeling of all time changes, I am also beaten up. By the way, really great idea if it is orientation-and helpless after a involuntary dimension travel, to beat up his first fellow sufferers!) . Kaiba was inevitably drawn into this. Even he could by his years of training beat well, a very satisfying feeling. But he would be non-Seto Kaiba, had him as a pointless fight that it was natural joy. (Interestingly sentence.) . So he withdrew to a suitable moment back to the small clearing, leaving the fighting cocks himself he saw but still interested and with a tired smile on his lips (Try rolling interested while tired / disinterested look! multitasking! Seto!) how the two against each other's heads. After more than an hour (either , the authors have no sense of time, or the guys have a condition u nglaubliche ... ) it was the dog then too much, he drew his sword from his belt and it rammed into the ground (Moooooment. you want me made to believe that Zorro and Inu-Yasha, the two swordsmen, one hour without beat swords?) . Not only Zorro was torn from the legs, no, went through the whole forest is now a huge swath, starting from the sword of the white-haired.

* Back at Mayumi: (re the headdesk)
"Well, that seems to have worked out ... But where are they now? Shit, Fuck, oh puke but the wall! " (Sue goes Anti! Sue! Seriously, the lady in urgent need of an anti-aggression program! We should at Pro7's" The View from evil Mä Register girl, "then we would go!) .
began excitedly to her to look in the documents for clues to her friend, where the three young men could be landed (perhaps a very good idea would have been to make the first.) ... but they found nothing.
with the exclamation:
"Now I have to look for these bags, too! (which should be here a long time ago and I adore him!) ", attacked her on her jacket. She ran like a madman without having any idea where out of the house.
"Not at all imagine what could do all the types that are almost Palaeolithic! Hopefully they are not just landed in the middle of the city. Afterwards, I must also still free from the asylum. " (Well, how Sue is worried about the three. After all, she has it torn from their world, but to help them? It is a traumatized Sue, programmed only to worshiped be!)
puffing she stopped, without noticing it, she was at the forest reached (For Sue can often look incredibly well run and think at the same time.) .
/ / Okay ...//, she thought when she saw the sawn wood. / / Inu-Yasha I've ever found (Inu-Yasha = sawn wood) . Hopefully the others are here somewhere landed nearby. / / From a distance, she heard loud voices. Sitting on the top of a tall tree, she observed the boy. The computer genius led
"If I catch, me with these two idiots in this Forest has sent shit (pink, I hate pink!) talk (Muhaha! Try to time in brackets, "... has clip on pink, I hate pink! parenthesis then ..." repeated addition Seto is the good bit.) then he will get the radishes to see from below. " (* snort snort * That sounds kind of cute rather than as a death threat ...)
Mayumi swallowed, even the sweet e Zorro (snort snort * ² * So sweet is pretty much the very last adjective with which I would describe Zorro ...) seemed Kaibas opinion quite apart from the dog (Inu-Yasha is consistently ignored anyway. So on with the text * shrugs *) . It was immediately clear that they do not say the three, the truth was. Best ever. / / If I really want to have help (should I be less nice and simple sueig ) may, I I can not tell really. And most importantly, you have to find me and not vice versa! (sense?) So, to your daily battle exercises! I have to be just loud enough to notice me / /

Cut. Sues brilliant work plan and Zorro is going on, the cause of the riots to . Search

As Zorro came to the next clearing, the noise had stopped suddenly. moved at once in the tree beside him a branch and Hepp, a red-haired girl landed elegantly in front of him. He was so shocked that the only thing he could say a gegrummeltes: "Get out of my way, girl!" (The typical reaction surprise ... Even though he is not the greatest speakers, as measured by the fact that she is the only other man in the woods would be a "Who are you and where are we here?" quite there.) was.
But it was too cheeky, "Why do you men can never manage to tell a girl that you find them great? You will then always the same so ... ähmm ... childish? " (Is not she just gorgeous, this Sue? So naturally, witty, enchanting, charming and very breichreizerregend?)
"You want it so be really going after," he growled, and pulled out in no time his three swords. (fine recognized. Only a dead Sue Sue is a good. Unless it is a Special Powers! Resurrection! Sue.)
If she was surprised by this, we noticed it in any event will not start.
A quick fight sparked up where it was clearly inferior. Thanks to their good technique but it managed to hold their own against the green-haired (which stood in stark contrast to the first set) , but she found herself that she could not win. She was also impressed by her adversaries still and looked deep into his eyes rather than to concentrate on fighting (because she was a Sue, of course, they could still fight fabulous.) . But he too had a similar (The Effect Sue) , and so It was no wonder that he, as their last effort together was, as intended by it (Psychokid! Sue!) , tripped over a thick tree root. (Welch & Welch ingenious plan realistic scenario.) sword thrust through her (she wanted him, of course, not seriously injured) is in his stomach (Which body part is better than to someone you do not will seriously injure pin down, when the stomach?) he won momentum, and he succeeded in falling anyway, they strongly wound to the arm. Panting schang the redhead in the trees, called him one last "Great fight, Zorro!" and was gone. (Opens up to you the meaning of this action, except to specify that Sue wanted?)

Cut: Zorro staggers back with open abdominal wall to the other, Inu-Yasha doctored him.

Kaiba the other hand, tried to ignite a fire at dusk to what he was after a short time (Muhaha, Seto of Survival! Campers!) . He turned to the wounded swordsman, who was now awake again. (And now, Ladies and Gentlemen, one of the most substantial talks since GZSZ!)
"What's your name at all, and who the hell are you so tanned?
" Even if it concerns you not, my name is Zorro! (Bitchy! Zorro!) And you? "
" go up but also to anything, but I'm Seto Kaiba! (Bitchy! Seto!) Besides, you have not answered my second question. "
" I will not, although it was quite strange (I also deny before everything before I give answers . In the same sentence.) ...... how she knew my name? "
Even the white-haired Dog was now back. (names are just words.)
"WHAT? DO you just said? You can beat up but not by so 'precious girl? ", It was amusing.
But for sheer exhaustion Zorro was asleep.
QUICK Inu-Yasha and his wound was leaning slightly away from the other to a tree (for he had recognized that Zorro was versuet and would not get infected. Clever boy.) .

Cut: Inu-Yasha and Miroku Kagomé mourning after.

Well, I mourn for my brain cells. TT you soon, Kaa.

Saturday, July 5, 2008

Bandana Kates Playground

It's a dark night. ..

title of the story: Supernatural_Stories

Fandom: Supernatural

Author's Name: -Sam Winchester

spelling and grammar
: - uppercase and lowercase matter of luck
; ; - Missing many typos, letters and dive for it somewhere else again
- Rules for ß / ss unknown
+ Grammar on the whole OK

unnerving flaws in the style : Thoughts label / / ...//

anti quality of the characters: Dean is underexposed and Sam unbegrü ; Raft aggressive

Positives: not bad idea, the problem is just kind of big in the implementation. Beta Readers
Word or self-correction would not be a bad beginning.

The plot: Dean and Sam looking at a Chicago-The Ring Samara blend.

Excerpt: finally arrived in Chicago by car, they noticed the same, that the city
just prior to ELTE people wim m . (OMG! Chicago is a city and live there
many people? Btw they were already at least once in Chicago in 1x16 ...)
unusually n for Lich attack a spirit or demon in such a city. "Let us consult
hook first time her boyfriend." Sam said, pointing to a house outside the center .
(Are they on a vantage point or what?) drafts you to the need (* ouch *
The poor concerns . The poor German language.)
of j changes man.

is my first slating here, hope everything fits so far:)

Chapter 1: 1


section: Autorenvorwort and useless copy of the leader of Salvation


section: A young student potters to speed on their homework when she suddenly gets an e-mail. Terrified

Startled by by the loud beeping, she read the text carefully. ... "You will die!" (And not even seven days! Always this hectic!)
The young woman laughed and nodded slightly. (The most typical reaction to a threat of death. Be cool!) "Well sure," and she amused her cell phone out of his pocket and dialed her friend. "Hello?" Asked a male voice. "Thank you for this e-mail! But Helloween (Hello Ween! How are you?) is only in a few weeks! So ... I unfortunately do not fall on in! "she said giggling. "Samenta, (there is this spelling at all?) what you mean," asked her friend a bit confused. Suddenly, after the girl turned up a cable to the computer, it winds up on the chair where she sat. "Oh come on, that's just your sense of humor," said Samenta. "How shall I have sent you that? I am in boxing. For two hours. " (. An absolutely airtight alibi on the phone) antworete the young man

section: An evil computer cable strangled the poor Samenta. Evil. Two days later


section: Sam looking on internet for a job for himself and Dean, while taking a shower The summit for several hours. Found is the presumed suicide of a 23-year-old woman who has been strangled with a computer cable.

"Well, maybe it was suicide." Dean said. "It says here, they sought a Scholarship at Oxford University, with an average of 1.3, she amazed the senators. (The English Senators? Uhm, that Oxford is not in the U.S., is familiar?) Whoever brings the order with such a life? " (Genau! Because it never been so depressed and broken on the pressure to perform student has! And certainly not in the USA!) "I! Something normal. "Dean said, grinning and struck in his bed. (* ouch * The poor bed.) Sam rolled his eyes. He was still of the opinion that there is no harm could a normal life, but he could really Dean not imagine. (It's also hard to imagine someone sitting next to you.) "Well, we can look around there tomorrow." Said the younger of Winchester and sound of his laptop ended and the light . "Mhh .. how far's that? "Dean muttered annoyed. "In Chicago." (How far is it? In Chicago. A clear answer. On the wrong question.) antworetet him his little brother. "Oh man, that are intended for 50 km. (= 31 miles. What an incredible distance! For Deans driving safely not less than two weeks trip to reach ... * sigh *) Can not you look for something near, Sammy ... for example in the motel room. Everything else is too far away! "he prabbelte afterwards. Sam seuftzte.

It was still early in the morning and Sam was awake. (OMG! Sam wakes up in the morning! It will melt in the sun!) The sun literally slammed into the motel room which was ungewöhmlich for the time. (In the U.S., the sun that is generally only two clock in the afternoon. ) "Dean ... ! Get up, "he said. When nothing happened, he took a shoe and threw it at Dean. (I lost my shoe! - You did not. You threw it at me.) Its bad luck that his brother had just hit his head. "SAM?" He cried, frightened and angry. "What the fuck ... (either English, and the right, or leave it to yourself ...) it is only seven clock in the morning. Do you want to surround me? " (Sam surrounded Dean. Is he Elastic girl?) asked Dean and settled back to bed. "Do not exaggerate times, sleepy heads." Sam said, getting up from his bed. "Come on, we have to go a whole corner," (The enormous Namely distance of 50 km.)

finally arrived in Chicago by car, they noticed the same, that the city just before swarming people. (OMG! Chicago is a big city, and since many people live? Btw have you been there at least once in Chicago in 1x16 ...) Unusual attack for a spirit or demon in such a city. "We questioned hook first but once her friend." Sam said, pointing to a house outside the center. (Are they on a vantage point or what?) drafts you to the need (* ouch * The poor concerns. The poor German language.) the young man. Dean was running as usual without thinking to the front door. (With head first against the door. * Head door *) This time the door stood wide open. (Also Dean falls headlong into the house. Ouch.) brought a moving company furniture outside. Also owns the house went out. "Sorry! Are they Lonos Jack? "Sam asked quickly. "Yes, why? Have we met? "Asked the man" No, we only have a few questions for them. "Dean said, and looked a bit grim. "Even police again? I've already said everything I ... Samentas of death! "antworetete Jack knows something angry. (Yes. His girlfriend has died, but why he should help in the investigation of the case? Moreover, the presented two statements do not even provide what he says then, that there are police officers?) Dean had to resist strongly the laughter . "Samenta" he asked one more time after. ( Yes, the name is spelled weird. At least I'm not the only one who noticed that.) heard in his voice is literally a fit of laughter, but the the Sam passed him again as he gave a strong push in the stomach. He saw his big brother to bite, and ordered him to literally keep his door. Jack wanted to be angry (the boy is but a choleric as described in the books ...) translated back into Bewegeung but Sam stopped him and asked again.

Editor: Jack explains that he did not write the message and then makes himself from the field.

"What do you mean? Should we go to her apartment and look around, "asked Sam. Dean nodded and he began to laugh again. (Nod After five minutes he had to laugh because of a brain trauma.) "Sam-enta! Haha! (Oo The worst pun I've ever read ...)

Late at night the two brothers broke into the room of the deceased woman. They saw something in secret, until they noticed a computer screen flashed again and again. Dean took out his MEF (measuring erlektrischer fields) (The Hey! are my brackets! And the thing is called EMF reader or meter, but certainly not MEF!) and investigated so the computer. "What I mind!" he said, pointing to Bildschrirm. (For Dean, the old country bumpkin, had in his life seen a computer, and therefore held it for a supernatural being.) Sam tart closer and touched the computer easily. Suddenly he sat up the hard disk. "If do what anfässt ..." Dean said, grinning.

Editing: The Two heard a noise and hide in inconspicuous. The neighbor girl who is the proud 10 ½ years old, heard a noise and wanted to review the situation. * * Dun.dun.DUN

Suddenly it thundered again. It came from the kitchen. Sam was back on and took Kathy's hand. He sat on a chair. (He Kathy's hand on the chair please what?) "Can you wait here shortly, we will bring you back again, okay?" Asked Sam and the girl nodded. Dean took out his gun, which Katty (like now, Katty and Kathy?) Had ren behold d . When the two brothers were in the next room, she noticed that the computer screen flashed. Cheerful staggered (you should be as young children in the evening not so much vodka can drink!) it back and sat down. "An e-mail ..." she squeaked pleased. "I like getting mail," she said, and it clicked on (the e-mail) . ... "You will die!" Shocked Kathy stood on it and ripped out the cable from the computer. Sam and Dean looked at the kitchen, but there was nothing to watch (The two are somewhat underprivileged and staring at the kitchen * drool *) . Meanwhile, the cable started to move the computer itself. Katty wanted to run away but the cord wrapped around her neck and she fell to the ground. She began to cry and scream (Which would be difficult if one is being strangled) what Sam and Dean once animated the living room to come. "Kathy!" Cried the two. (...) "Do something!" He called out to Dean. He took his gun and shot deliberately through the screen of the computer. The computer broke up suddenly, like as if he was just a Illosion. The cable (This does not dissolve? What is Dean but for a lousy shot.) to Kathy's neck loosened at last.

section: to bring the two back to the bellows Mom, who now wants to buy an alarm system. Although they still have no idea what's going on, they are pleased with the progress of the investigation ...

Sam spent his free time trying to reschaschieren the web. (also a form of phonetic spelling.) Dean took time fresh air and went into a bar (Weil's always so nice and fresh in the air bars.) It was quite late at night and it was difficult someone there. / / Chicago Night Life ... Tss .. / / Dean thought. Auf_einmal he noticed a man he had ever taken traff . "Hey Jack, do you?" Said Dean sat down next to it. This nodded. "The tach Polizissst of neulisch," he mumbled, and you could tell he had a few beers being drunk. Sam had las be learned by a few articles, where he, that there were many suicide cases in this area had given, at least it should have looked forever. There have been cases because people should have beaten, strangled, some were also (known to be most common suicide species) . Jack and Dean talked a bit. Dean hoped more from him out of it. "Yes, yes ... my Samenta was murdered by a legend! This is klärschen yes right? "Said Jack. Dean could barely understand a word. "Why Legend?" He asked. "In this area there is the legend of Sarah Hagen. It was many years ago, an outstanding student who had an average of 1.3. But she was upstaged by someone with the average of 2.0. "He said, now miraculously sober. (Sing Hallelujah and praise the Lord, I will also be times as a miracle.) "And?" Poked by Dean. Somehow, he had a strange feeling in the Magendgegend (It's Dean. Probably he is hungry.) . In the motel where Sam was suddenly began to flicker the lights. Still, he could not distract (namely Sam lost all his hunters instincts.) . "This Sarah was put out, because their counterparts, the female senators bribed. But she was with. So no one could know the she was "disposed of". Now she takes revenge on all who have an average of 1.3 (This makes no sense. Should they not take revenge on those with an average of 2.0? Moment. I am looking for a meaning? My mistake.) . Complete nonsense ... " (My talk!) he babbled on and put his head on the Thresen to sleep.

section: Dean noticed after some time of reflection, that Sam had the same average, surprise! The will receive a mysterious e-mail that the unsuspecting Sam also opens the same time after which strangle the spirit of it.

The moment Dean banged loudly on the door (forward, as always with his head.) . "Sam," he said. His brother stirred any more. Dean remarked (after another five minutes of stand there and stick depp thinking) the spirit that saw him angry. "Also, you will die," she hissed darkly. "NO, WRONG! THE YOU WILL! " (these sophisticated threats!) called and he straightened his gun at her and fired. He immediately turned to his little brother and tried to unwind the cable. Sam was difficult to breath again, it was only a gasp. Dean supported him and put him on the bed. "Really! ! Every time I leave you alone, you have the same a cable around his neck "(see Episode 9) (That was almost funny No, not really..)

section: Dean has apparently forgotten how to do a Spirit does and is sure that they dead.

"In the city there was a legend that told me about Jack. Also, the trigger for this Geistergöre. "Dean grinned and said proudly. "Dean, tell, you take drugs?" (The question, however, I am even more ...) asked Sam. Dean looked at him quizzically. "Why?" "Because Jack after the death of his girlfriend, is immediately flown to Europe. (and has taken all his furniture because he usually gets homesick.) How should he have to be there yesterday in the bar? "Said Sam, shaking the head. Dean just looked at him confused. (? * Think * * * ratter Huh)

Editor: Jack really was Jess' mind .

Credits to peaches for first reading and lj's tips: D