More coffee. More Sueigkeit. More retching. Here, exclusive to Verreiss_mich!
Part I (according to old rules in my lj) here , Part II here and Part III here .
Authors: KyraKaiba (formerly phoenix_of_light) & Haruki_Zorro
The maltreated fandom: One Piece, Yu-Gi-Oh! and Inu-Yasha
The hare-brained plot: In a there Zukunfstwelt a very evil dictator, the Mary Sue Mayumi wants to conquer using Inu-Yasha from the Middle Ages, Lorenor Zorro from the pirate era and Seto Kaiba from the young modern times. The (nonexistent) story line is just a flimsy excuse to Zorro to marry off with Sue.
The anti-quality of the characters: Mayumi is the perfect Mary Sue, who knows everything can, and constantly herumzickt and is still adored by all. Zorro has lost brain and pride is a self-pitying crybaby, Seto suffers from mood swings like a thirteen-year-old girl and Inu-Yasha must occur only as a naive nurse-side kick. Geek! Ayaka, Bruce! Ishimoto and Stu us remain in this chapter, after all saves.
Positives & Negatives: + grammar and spelling mostly very good
+ hardly synonyms for the main characters
+ Seto and Inu-Yasha are also times to
word - but it just talk nonsense
- still no proper thought form
- the characters are consistently OOC
- the plot is moved not a bit ahead
Chapter 4: Little Love Story?
The chapter begins with the blackmail of the authors, not three continue to write comments - shame on those who wrote it!
were really hard days for the boys and especially for Mayumi (because infected the aftermath of her sex change even in the bones) . Her fever rose to such an extreme that all three (all three of fever or what is? A subspecies of the Bieber? Well, what covers are fine, not only for Sue-poster beds!) have to fear
One night strange noises awakened by Kaiba (hm - the voices in his head?).
The following passage is simply a figurehead to ICness - let it work for you:
"Mayumi, ... Please (!) ... Please wake up ...", whispered (!) Zorro over and over again, interrupted by sobs (!!!) in the turquoise blue (no comment) linens.
Did the authors get the manga / anime ever to the face? So I doubt it very slowly ...
Kaiba turned his back to him and was not note that he has everything mitbekam (false, Seto! You should go and comfort him!). In his eyes flashed something unusual: What was that? About Grief ... and pain? (Or tears of laughter because of this sentimental imbecility?) What was only with him? (why he was suddenly in the fourth chapter, a part attributed?) envied him why he (actually a question of if it meant only having to idolize daft Love intrests and howl ) ? Love at first sight, to so what he already thought long
Cut: Emo Seto thinks ahead to the mass of failed relationships after that led him to conclude that women are only good for conquest and exploitation, and on the (May would beat you up for that.) death of his brother, rolls together and crying
"Zorro!" She murmured, and promptly fell asleep again (this time hopefully for good).
"No problem, I like you nursed!" Inu-Yasha's only comment was,
Cut: A little plot, you may not believe it! Kaiba does not trust Mayumi and speaks Inu-Yasha depends - on the tree house veranda in a rocking chair sitting.
"Stay Loose Bark. I wish you only once to ask what you think of the chick! " (Seto, the cool slang gangster, as we know and love it.)
"chick? What is a chick? "Came out of the tree ask (because Inu-Yasha was now completely united with him). (Check one more tortured ARGH! English grammar ... If you can not, please let be. Or at leo.)
"Oh, I forgot, you're son Wonderland people, can so do not even know what I mean! What did you say again are you? A demon? Sorry, I meant, of course, half-demon (which brings me back to the question of why Inu-Yasha is not simply a portal in his time opening - wait, that would be logical! Mea culpa.) , we do not want you even do better than you are! (rightly so. Always nice to slap on the only ones who can help you right now.) "
" Be careful what you say, SETO-CHAN! (Hooray, you can use Japanese suffixes, brave Fangirls * pat * What is the love Inu-Yasha but the trigger!) "
flattened After a short silence (because he was still completely from this Scharfzü , a function,) to Kaiba announced yet again to speak: "I just wanted to ask what you think of this" Shit, what was her name again? (Gangster! Seto strikes back! Includes new form of thought: and memory loss.) "ääääh Mayumi think?"
"She seems to be a good fighter
"So I'm now so not meant !!!", pimped him Kaiba (Seto Bitchy! strikes back!) .
"Oh, you think that they knew Zorro's name? "asked Inu-Yasha.
"Aha, you're one of the very rapid species. The fact is that she apparently knows U.S., without which we know about them. "Kaiba mused aloud.
"I think you do you too much, Kaiba, it's quite nice!" Said Inu-Yasha naive back (as he had done so never in my life negative experiences with women).
"I give up, like where you really lost everything," said Kaiba resigned and ended the conversation, (which he was so polite had begun) purely went by, made coffee and get back behind the laptop jammed (And he can not find out anything about their current situation?) .
Cut: The Sue lives, unfortunately, still is recovering while drinking cappuccino (I am beginning to think they get paid a commission of Nescafé) on the porch. Thank you it does not, of course, she's a Sue. When you walk in the woods starts playing child! Zorro another scavenger hunt.
you did it and was amazed ncith bad: a pirate who could handle a bow and arrow almost as good as them? (What are you talking about? He has missed you, he is a lousy shooter!)
He must have practiced day and night ... (because he sleeps so not known, but trained at night all the time because it is his goal, the world's best swordsman
was soon clear to her where to lead the young swordsman she wanted: To the lake, in the apple trees, which they had planted themselves and Ayaka Vorrausgesetzt (they do not have these trees planted as infants, can Accordingly, they are still not very large.). The tears were her again in the eyes, (ah, crybabies! Sue!) so they Zorro first noticed when she stood in front of him
you did not believe it, but this bag was actually eingepennt! (I do not believe it: A radio IC Hurrah!)
NA WAIT 's thought (it's Welch appropriate pronoun for a disgusting Sue: D)! and was already climbing up the nearest tree (which she herself had planted several years ago. Right. Poor tree.) .
"WooMe" Zorro flew a fat apple at his head. At first he did not know what was going on around him, but he realized very quickly, "Hey Mayumi, I'm full of suffering! (That's it for now ... back to the IC) Please come out of the trees! I mean it seriously ", he called up, without really knowing exactly where she was (As the boy has survived because of these reflexes as a swordsman so long?) . After several minutes he sat in despair on the floor.
"Whoosh" and flew it to the next apple to the head, followed immediately by Mayumi (She throws him not to his neck, but to the head. Interesting tactic!) , which landed next to him .
"Ouch!" He shouted (clear Jah. Zorro has always been a Zimperlieschen. What are five liters of blood loss from an apple (and Sue) flying against a head?) .
not "scream here so rum. You make the poor birds have fear (Do not worry, that have been squashed because of you). In addition, we ARE NOT kompliziert, IHR Männer MACHT uns kompliziert!!!" (Emanzen!Sue!) , meckerte sie ihn an.
"Is ja schon gut, du Zicke, darf man als Mann nicht mal seine Ruhe haben? (Lo~ogik? Wo bist du?! Lass mich hier nicht allein zurück!) ", motzte er zurück.
Cut: Mayumi meint, Zorro wäre kein Mann, sondern höchstens ein "Jüngelchen". Der erwidert innovativ, dass sie keine Frau wäre. Mayumi haut ab und heult rum, weil Zorro sie nicht mag. Inu-Yasha ist ihr gefolgt, und Kleinkind!Sue will Fangen spielen.
Almost done, only two more to go! Finally, a little self-promotion: In kaaleo-shop available exclusively are now the best selling Superbeiallemwetterhaltendergeruchsneutralerunsichtbarkeitslack ™ , original Yutaka Ishimoto flowers remuneration and the long-running, our original sword fight wounds, emergency first aid kit ™ brand new and the separately available Schwertkampfwundennotfallverbandskastennachfüllset ™ (thanks for this to failte_aoife ). All just as long as supplies last!
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