weekend I headed for the first time Diaspora. For this I will write more later. It is interesting to me was the discussion after the game. If one for over a year for a different group of role-playing systems leads to crystallize, and then articulate at some point actually even know what the players want. The list almost easy times to capture the imagination of my group of players together.
- just play vampires. play off play off
- Travel
- The daily life of the characters
- A campaign for several years playing
- from the game master just sprinkle just let itself without having to decide where the story goes
- player characters can die if the dice so require
- settings where you can be cool
- No Reign
- not play in social interaction rules
- grasp on time start
- The player characters are all part of the same organization
- With three players play
- With five players play
- play no settings that are known from TV, films and books are
- No Warhammer 40K as ; setting
- All players integrate directly into the game
- The "campaign" from the outset only interpret to 2-3 game nights
- It is important to play out the interaction among the characters than the adventure to get ready
- ...
The list is not exhaustive. If add my players there's what you want: just write a comment or email.
Added to that my wishes as a game manager and it will be interesting to find the intersection:
- try out systems that are already in the closet for years, or were acquired on a spending spree (see previous post)
- No Vampire play
- try my own world
- Warhammer Rogue Trader guide
- travel and everyday life can go by the board
- play scenes that keep the action moving
- With 4 players play
- No long breaks by food
- Every Saturday guided
- No boredom in the game
- No eternal discussions about plans
- An adventure game = one session
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