Savage Exalted - a converted Setting
setting conversion
I like the world of Exalted . I like the ideas that White Wolf has put into the setting. What I do not like is the gaming system. If you regularly 20-30 ten pages and must throw dice count, that's neither fast nor furious fun. I just had the idea of the setting on Savage Worlds converted to.
with a very simple trick, the player characters to Exalted. You get a higher wildcard dice. A "normal" wild card company may also throw always a D6. So I design talents to increase the general wildcard dice. So then, a Solar or Abyssal Exalted W10, a Lunar or Sidereal Exalted Dragonblooded W6 W8 and throw a wild card dice. If you're not Exalted is automatically without extra wildcard dice. Of course you can also drag the dice a little upward. For example, Solar / Abyssal W12, Lunar / Sidereal W10, W8 Dragonblooded, God-blooded and whatever else rumkrebst W6. Maybe that's even better distribution. Of course, a character must have a corresponding edge in order to be Exalted. The advantage of Edges is then increased wildcard dice. The wildcard dice then symbolizes the essence of a character without accounting.
The game is an Arcane Background (Magic), access to the powers is not regulated by the ranks of heroes, but about talent (Terrestrial, Celestial and Solar Circle). Terrestrial Circle Sorcery granted the skill (mind). The forces are then divided among the three places. The
not quite unimportant manifestation of the Essence would I settle on aces. Each time the dice rolls a wild card ace (ie the highest value and nachwürfeln) the manifestation increases by one step. The same applies if a Joker is drawn at the initiative or if the player outputting a Benny.
course, apply to the setting the following switches: heroism, epic heroism, heroes, with an error. Mumm eliminated as a skill, because none of the horror aspects of the setting.
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