I'm an undecided match officials. There are many systems that will guide me, I usually do not stay long in a role-playing system. Of course there are games to which I return again and again, such as vampires (whether Requiem, masquerade or Old World). But since I usually play only 12-13 games evenings a chronicle, then forward something else and later return back to Vampire (Often the same players, characters and locations). Nevertheless, I lack a certain consistency.
For about a year I have a large group of players, which is 3-4 every week, who introduces me to play. That would actually speak for stability. Nevertheless, I have conducted over the past year a number of different systems:
- Houses of the Blooded (this all started!)
- Vampire: The Requiem (in between just had to be back)
- REIGN (because I thought that my own fantasy world "Dragon Throne" to implement)
- Mongoose Traveller (just for testing)
- Star Blazer Adventures (3.0 FATE like me and it has great game mechanics and you can use Fudge dice)
- Rogue Trader: Forsaken Bounty (The Rogue Trader Einführungsabenter for Free RPG Day 2009)
have the beginning of the year, we then tried out REIGN, I wanted to know how well you can translate my concepts for dragon throne with REIGN. Worked very well, then I have somehow lost the target (Dragon Throne) develop in the eyes, a reaction with REIGN requires quite a bit of their own work before you can play, and I also wanted to travel (by about Try 20 years) at last.
Traveller we played three times, then I realized that Traveller is very random one hand and on the other hand requires very much preparation in the form of sub-sectors. The, by today's standards, over-Random means that the players rarely get the character they want. Furthermore, the control system leads to success remain with ability samples, even with relatively good values quite by accident. So let wirs. This was followed
Vampire: The Requiem. But again, I did despite not exciting player characters of the hatch in the preparation. The last 4 years I had always played in my coastal town Breemer, but this time it should be London. The mutated from Vorbereitungsnot of New Orleans (because it is a source tape), only to be set by me in favor of Star Blazers Adventures. There was a reason: I've noticed that myself after 12 years of vampire-passing out of ideas that inspired me. Too bad, because Vampire: The Requiem was among the players inside the game konsenzfähigste. All the players felt with the game well and at the table came up with a lot of fun.
Star Blazer Adventures I have managed a total of four times, then external circumstances necessitated a pause. From the break, then a summer break, which runs until today. The three plays have all seen different adventure. The first my attempt, the five-part campaign "Medusa Dreaming" was revived. Since the second session completely different players at the start were (yes, you may be a player pool of 10 players that happen), I started an adventure to a diplomatic team. The third time exactly one player from the first group and a player from the second group were there. Out of necessity I made a virtue out and played with both a history. The fourth time was at the Free RPG Day in Nuremberg. There we played a background to the settings with fighter pilots. That was it first with Star Blazers Adventures.
Forsaken Bounty for Rogue Trader we played as a one-shot on a Sunday, because I absolutely times Wolte role play again.
And now I am undecided as lead player with the task of reviving my role-play round after the summer break. The blog will explain my decision-making and support.
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