Thursday, May 17, 2007

Free Wrestling Card Template

Chris: drinks last sip of coffee and grimaces Ürcks, coffee grounds!
Me: Oh, coffee grounds! * Happy * Let me read your future from the coffee grounds.
Chris: gives me the cup and stands on
Me: Will it straight to 'This evening, a handsome black-haired woman lying next to you in bed. "
Chris: alluding to Harry Potter, very panicked Oh my God! The Gilb!
Me: * giggle * The Gilb?
Chris: Yes, the Gilb! I see the Gilb, how horrible! I
: almost falls off his chair laughing

My poor curtains ... the Gilb!
Okay, must it's probably been there to find funny ...

Tuesday, May 8, 2007

Samurai Sword Gun Barrel

My future just around the corner ...

is probably a very stupid question, but since it looks like I'll be studying for my training well but I need time for a response.
Where exactly is the difference between a university and a college?
* in the corner and is ashamed that she is such stupid questions *