Monday, March 12, 2007

Gay 90's Pizza Dough Recipe

(Belated) Congratulations / flat / and stuff just

Herzlichen Glückwunsch, liebe [info] malicat ! Herzlichen Glückwunsch nachträglich, lieber [info] therealdrpepper ! I wish you both all the best for the new age!


see with our new apartment there now from all bad. had
After we got a financing commitment, and the same on Saturday to sign, the agent suddenly stood at the door and told us that the owner had asked him to temporarily suspend all Verkausbemühungen ... Several phone calls later, we suspect that the owner has probably picked up even a buyer who is more willing to pay. We still do not know exactly, but it looks damn bad: (xxxxxx

Today, after a week seminar with the class of my guiding person with the words: "Well, you are now formed" been received (without greeting). Since I had been turning right back to ....
And the boss will get my vacation not to the series. It can not be that hard, within four weeks to find out whether people are interested in the Easter vacation but me! Especially because I really wanted to go to my parents and who knows if such short notice I still rather get cheap tickets ....
slowly so I can not stand this means less and less ...


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